The craziest thing happened. 2 or 3 months ago I was stuck in bed after having my tonsils out (THE worst...) and I decided to browse online for cooking books that I really REALLY need. I came across an 'Aussie' classic - Bills Sydney Food from Bill Granger - and through YES!! the time has come.
But the Wi-Fi had different thoughts - we have such bad reception here - so I gave up and lay back down in bed feeling mighty sorry for losing my tonsils and not even feeling like ice-cream,
Yesterday (fast forward) at my work Christmas party we had an odd but hilarious Kris Kringle where you re-gift something, people then randomly choose a gift and then in the same order backwards you choose what gift you want straight from under peoples noses. SO the smug ones with their suitable gift soon are crestfallen - for example, imagine there was Bill's cookbook...yeah..as if....then everyone would want it and the smug person would be smug-less as it's taken out of their hands.
So, there just happened to be a Bills Sydney Food cookbook as a re-gift (seriously...why would you re-gift this aussie classic??) and after being moved from person to person I had the second last go to choose my preferred gift. I considered that taking someone's gift may cause a rift between work colleagues, but hey, she would get over it, so I got my book and then....there was just the one person remaining who could separate me from my re-gifted gift. I eyeballed him.....I slowly moved my eyelids to slits and my mouth into a pursed position to show him that I meant business and if he was to even consider taking MY Bills he'd suffer the consequences.
And you know what? He smartly left me and my Bills Sydney Food as one. So there! Happy days!