Sunday, September 29, 2013

A weekend with guests galore

Callistemon aka 'Bottle Brush'
Sometimes it's not until you get older that you start to notice the beautiful things that have been around you the whole time.  Why is that?  My primary school was filled with these huge Australian bushy trees, our pigtails filled with them after running through the branches.

Stones Throw has three trees of t the front garden which will be perfect screens when we build the new house.....last Summer I filled the house with vases and vases of these bright-red soft brushes.

Yesterday, my favourite sister-in-law, Ana, visited.  We keep each other company when our respective partners go to the football. Chicken & Leek Pie for lunch, chocolate chip ice cream for afters.  Then we transformed my kitchen into a photo studio to capture some of Ana's amazing sculptures on film for a prospective gallery. The photos don't do them justice; you just want to touch them and the different colours that appear from the five-day wood-fired kiln process are breathtaking.

Today, Sunday, we have more guests arriving, just giving me time to mow a lawn, hang a load of washing and clean up after yesterday's guests stayed the night. This week at work is going to be big so I'll try and pace myself today, though with the warmer weather hanging around how can I not want to be outside pottering around!!

Ana Maria Hernandez y Jensen can be contacted on

1 comment:

  1. Pleased that you are all safe... it would have been a terrifying experience The Hills had wild weather too but not as severe. A branch fell and broke Lex's car wind screen otherwise no other damage. Piet is so there any way to slow the clock?
