Sunday, September 29, 2013

A weekend with guests galore

Callistemon aka 'Bottle Brush'
Sometimes it's not until you get older that you start to notice the beautiful things that have been around you the whole time.  Why is that?  My primary school was filled with these huge Australian bushy trees, our pigtails filled with them after running through the branches.

Stones Throw has three trees of t the front garden which will be perfect screens when we build the new house.....last Summer I filled the house with vases and vases of these bright-red soft brushes.

Yesterday, my favourite sister-in-law, Ana, visited.  We keep each other company when our respective partners go to the football. Chicken & Leek Pie for lunch, chocolate chip ice cream for afters.  Then we transformed my kitchen into a photo studio to capture some of Ana's amazing sculptures on film for a prospective gallery. The photos don't do them justice; you just want to touch them and the different colours that appear from the five-day wood-fired kiln process are breathtaking.

Today, Sunday, we have more guests arriving, just giving me time to mow a lawn, hang a load of washing and clean up after yesterday's guests stayed the night. This week at work is going to be big so I'll try and pace myself today, though with the warmer weather hanging around how can I not want to be outside pottering around!!

Ana Maria Hernandez y Jensen can be contacted on

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wintry conditions

Welcome to a wintry Thursday morning…was it not just yesterday that little P and I sat outside under the umbrella to eat lunch and giggle at Dizzy chasing birds? Now the wind is howling and the rain bucketing down, just 13 degrees.

I rugged Piet up this morning in a hand knitted jumper, socks and three top layers then bundled him off to child care – he’s such a happy little boy.

T gave me an assortment of plants for our 3rd anniversary – olives, wattles and a bloomin’ apple tree. That’s this weekend sorted – planting.
Nearly the weekend – it’s felt like a looong week – took me forever to catch up after working til late on Friday night.

Friends are visiting on Saturday so I also have a menu to plan, one of my favourite things to do while P sleeps. Hope the weather warm sup so we can once again sit out under the umbrella and peer out at the world.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A wonderful day!

Piet and I had such a wonderful day together...I was sad putting him to bed, another day over, they go so fast.  He's slowly learning to eat 'real food' and today fed himself his entire lunch! Does that mean he doesn't need me anymore...

Our first really warm day today led to three loads of washing and a trip to the beach - very relaxing.

Today is also a special day for T and I - out third wedding anniversary, gosh time has flown.  We've been looking at our wedding photos from Hamilton Island - what a special day!

Dinner out tonight was the plan - however I left it too late to arrange our babysitter - so date night will be two weeks away - can't wait.

Rain is due to return at midnight and tomorrow just 13 degrees....brrrr....back to the opaque black stockings for work (and my trusty electric blanket tonight).

Late start this morning, but deserved after not getting home from work until 1am.  The sun has been out for most of the day...making everyone feel good...and we have a full house.  A happy full house is a lovely house to be in, and a house filled with flowers is even lovelier, especially when they were a gift.
Lizzie's garden is always full of blooms to choose from.

Sunny days on the farm means getting out and about - mowing, weeding, gardening etc but today was the day to spray the fruit trees, so T focused on this earlier today while I began my slow start to the day.

Clouds are set to roll in later this afternoon, then rain for the next day or two....and then the grass will grow again, needing to be mowed again.  The almonds are looking mighty fine...definitely much better than last year! Yummo

Off to Melbourne tomorrow to catch up with a friend and to see a matinee.  Can't wait!

Hello to my sister...does this little bird look familiar? The pair are some of my favourite possessions.

Week 38: 16th - 21st September, 2013

Sept 13

Mother Nature, you call this Spring?
We have woken to a 2 degree morning....brrrr. Yesterday turned into a beautiful afternoon so little P and I took Dizzy for a walk to the bay and enjoyed the sun.

The other properties in our town have beautiful gardens and find ways to hide their houses from the road with various trees. I snuck a small branch from one of the pretty trees. Am not so sure what it is, but truly some type of beautiful Australian native, with small pink & yellow seed pods.

Piet slowly getting better, he's back to sleeping through the night and trying to pull himself up on the couch and coffee table; not completely calming for me, however at least he now has some energy. His little cheeky sense of humour is again making me smile.

Tomorrow we are off to the Mornington Peninsula - a ferry trip across Port Philip Bay - but really a world away. Can't wait to show Piet the ferry!

Today we take Dizzy to the vet and search for a suitable engagement present for our friends Dave & Meaghan who's big decision we celebrate tomorrow night on the Mornington Peninsula.

Sept 11

Getting better day by day.  A day at home together, what a relief, for both of us.

Sleeping has been the silent agreement between little P and I. We both took the opportunity and made the most of it.  I woke at 8.20am and he slept through til 9.30am.  I haven't had so much energy for months.

Funny day weather-wise.  Dark clouds around and the wind comes and goes; promising Spring then blowing it away.

The canola fields look amazing around here - brighten up a cloudy day.

Early start tomorrow for work - a business networking breakfast starting at 7am?  It will be up to T and little P to get them selves ready together for work and childcare.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall :-)

sept 10

I think we are over the worst of it now.  The dribbling has lessened and he's a little more alert.  Sunday night was the worst and I took him in my arms at midnight and jumped into the spare bed and held onto him while patting his back through until 6.30am.

The painkillers don't seem to do their job and he won;t let us get near his mouth - no water, no milk, absolutely no food. Wow, feels like a storm came through our house and wiped away any sense of peace or feeling that we are doing the right thing for our little one year old with the big blue eyes.

Monday at work after two hours of sleep was interesting...

Last night he slept through, but I think it was a fitful sleep - I could hear him cry then fall back to sleep. We are off to childcare now - not sure how long he will last but he seems to be smiling and happy, though still a little dribbly.

Water, custard and milk are back on his menu, and this Mum's heart is feeling a little less broken.

Sept 7

What great day we've had! A bit of everything to make the world go around.  Lizzie & Johno visited, Johno went off to the football with T and little Piet, Lizzie and I pottered around the garden.  Not overly warm, but a bit digging here and there warms up the body and before you know it, you forget that you had to waste an hour this morning having to go and vote.

A quick trip the indoor pool so little P could show his Grandma Lizzie his moves. He just loves the pool. By the time we arrives home in the afternoon the boys were back from the football and Boston Bun made them forget their footy team lost!

A great day to warm the heart and the soul.

September 6, 2013

 My shopping expedition didn't go as well as planned, poor Piet was sick if being attached to the pram and after trying on 8 different pairs of jeans....skinny, straight, back to skinny, skipping bootleg, back to skinny, white, black, light, dark, I finally chose  not too light, not too dark straight jeans. 
By this stage dress shopping was completely out of the question.
A quick detour past a jewellery store (and donut store) we were back in the car heading home.

If the parking only amounts to $1 it means you where there less than an hour. Gosh life has changed since having habits all up in the air. Though I feel better for some strange reason...had been feeling a little 'humdrum'...who'd have thought this pair of jeans, bracelets and red rose earrings would do the trick??

They are a darker red than shown here and I've found a little ol' black dress for tonight's party that will suit them perfectly. Can't wait!

Week 37: 9th - 15th September 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 8, 2013 - sick little man

What is wrong with our child?  I've never know him to scream and cry for such long hours or in such a high-pitched voice....and the dribbling.  I didn't realise teething could be this bad...I hope there is nothing else troubling him. T and i took him for a drive in the car so he would sleep; a trip to the beach and he seemed to be ok for awhile but still not a happy boy.

The only ones happy around here are the sheep whom we moved to a new grass-filled paddock today.

I hope little P sleeps ok tonight....he needs some rest.

Week 36: 2nd - 8th September, 2013

Week 35: 26th August - 1st September, 2013