Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Late start this morning, but deserved after not getting home from work until 1am.  The sun has been out for most of the day...making everyone feel good...and we have a full house.  A happy full house is a lovely house to be in, and a house filled with flowers is even lovelier, especially when they were a gift.
Lizzie's garden is always full of blooms to choose from.

Sunny days on the farm means getting out and about - mowing, weeding, gardening etc but today was the day to spray the fruit trees, so T focused on this earlier today while I began my slow start to the day.

Clouds are set to roll in later this afternoon, then rain for the next day or two....and then the grass will grow again, needing to be mowed again.  The almonds are looking mighty fine...definitely much better than last year! Yummo

Off to Melbourne tomorrow to catch up with a friend and to see a matinee.  Can't wait!

Hello to my sister...does this little bird look familiar? The pair are some of my favourite possessions.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I remember them. It was a talented artist who sculpted them..I have always admired the pottery sandpipers. Or at least I think they are sandpipers. Something that I have realized is that I have a love of birds. The feathered type in the wild. I was delighted to find that we have a family of Superb Fairy Wrens in our back yard...think of the blue and black wren..they are gorgeous and I feel very privileged to have them living in our environment.
