Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A wonderful day!

Piet and I had such a wonderful day together...I was sad putting him to bed, another day over, they go so fast.  He's slowly learning to eat 'real food' and today fed himself his entire lunch! Does that mean he doesn't need me anymore...

Our first really warm day today led to three loads of washing and a trip to the beach - very relaxing.

Today is also a special day for T and I - out third wedding anniversary, gosh time has flown.  We've been looking at our wedding photos from Hamilton Island - what a special day!

Dinner out tonight was the plan - however I left it too late to arrange our babysitter - so date night will be two weeks away - can't wait.

Rain is due to return at midnight and tomorrow just 13 degrees....brrrr....back to the opaque black stockings for work (and my trusty electric blanket tonight).

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