Sunday, December 22, 2013

Summer sunset

Tonight, a beautiful sunset filtered pink, orange and red rays through the house....very surreal.

It signals the end of a really fun weekend and the start of a busy busy week, including a challenging day at work tomorrow.  Only four hours to survive then I can focus on Christmas with my family.

Am looking forward to clearing my mind.  The last six months of returning to work after maternity leave have been tough, though I've been keeping positive. It's difficult when my priorities have changed.

I love my husband and little boy so much and can't bear to be affected by work when I arrive home. It's a battle that I sometimes feel I'm losing.

You know that Sunday night feeling you used to have before going to school on Monday?  For some reason I have that now.  It hasn't happened for a very long time.

Better times ahead in 2014. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

My boy is growing up.

My boy is growing up and I consciously have to think about what he now can do.  It never occurred to me that he could sit in a chair without falling off.  I've been sticking him in the high chair or on my lap whenever he eats.

It also didn't occur to me that he could open a pack of sultanas on his own and eat them one by one. I've been hovering around him like a new mum handing him a little sultanas when the previous was chewed & swallowed....

So I tried him on a chair and handed him a pack of sultanas.....and tadahhhhh! It was just like he'd been doing it all his life!

He must think I'm stupid.  He may think I think HE'S stupid. Maybe it's because he can't yet walk or talk I'm treating him like a 4 month old.....or maybe I just need to let go and allow him to grow up.

I have to get my mind around the fact that he's growing & learning everyday, especially at childcare where he gets to check out all the other kids and their activities.

Exciting times but I have a twinge of sadness that his days of needing to be looked after like a baby are further dwindling away.

A house that we designed....I can't begin to imagine.

Image from The Australian House & Garden
Here's a picture of a random front door, a great place to start, a great looking entrance. Could it be possible? Could I be lucky enough to have a house designed by T and myself? I've never built a house, my family never a built or renovated a house.  We just bought a new one...already suit the needs at that time.

I can't begin to imagine what it will feel like to live in a house that has my stamp on it.  I feel a little grown up just thinking about it.

But where to start......with the front door, I guess.  A front door just like this!

Friday, December 20, 2013

It's sweltering in Victoria

OK, so yesterday we had 41 degrees and it seems I joined everyone else in Geelong by hangin' at the local mall.   But not for Christmas shopping, instead I volunteered a few hours to help wrap shopper's Christmas gifts for a gold coin donation towards Gateways Support Services

Yesterday I was feeling pretty frustrated at work, but I can tell you that after a half hour of wrapping gifts and chatting with friendly shoppers I felt SO much better!

Must be the holidays coming up but EVERYONE wanted to chat and tell me about their Christmas plans, their family and where they were going camping.  This was super as the more they talked the less chance they were noticing how badly I was tying the ribbon or curling it with scissors.

I think I must be obsessed with my son as I told a fair few strangers about my 16 month old....but they seemed to be happy to listen to me as well.

Today, it's slightly cooler but the breeze is making outside just pleasant.  Little P and I had a breakfast tea party on the grass in our pyjamas (more water on us than we drank). Then a neighbour dropped over and I had to run at lightening speed through the house to get out of my pyjamas while they wondered what was going on.

Plus the goldfish have returned from the depths of the water pond just in time for little P to almost snatch one in his grubby hands.  (Must put a gauze cover over this weekend!)

Christmas & holidays are finally here - only one more half day of work - though have been talking with interstate clients this morning while shovelling Weet-bix into Piet's mouth so he didn't yell during the conversation.

Tomorrow, T and I are going to a special place as the first step of what may be a new idea in the making....can't say too much - but, boy, do a I need a change!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Five fish

Santa came early, with some goldfish for Piet. 
I slipped them into the water lily pond and haven't seen them since!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas spirit...where art though...?

I'm trying my best to feel Christmassy - the weather isn't helping right now.  Windy, cool, overcast days don't add up to the Festive Season for me. I'm a little worried Christmas will come and go without any real feeling to it - that would be a shame for Piet.

Last night we put tinsel in his room and tried to get the Christmas tree up (work in progress). My iTunes Christmas music library only has Rod Stewart singin' Chrissy tunes, so I clicked the Play button - it didn't work, T turned on the cricket and poor Rod (and attempted Christmas atmosphere) was drowned out. Note to self: must keep trying to feel the Christmas spirit.

Little P spots his Dad walking down the hill....
Yesterday, to fill in another gloomy day, little P & I headed to Deakin University for a Student Admin errand, where I saved myself $4,000 (in reality I put it off for another date) and to feed the ducks. Lucky for us this is where T works so we three had a weekday lunch together (of gold, frankincense and myrrh, just jokes :-) ).  Piet ate the bread meant for the ducks but I salvaged a few pieces and watched our feathered friends fight over it.

Struggling to get my essay done and was awake for two hours during the night worrying about not having enough time to study - which defeats the purpose, really.  If I'd stopped worrying so I could sleep then I may have been able to wake up two hours earlier this morning to write....

Another gloomy day, T has gone sailing and think I'll take Piet to the plant nursery. This morning I caught Piet eating Dizzy's dog biscuits so he's had his excitement for the day!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas shopping...sooo tiring

On a grey, rainy and windy day Christmas shopping has begun.  I love shopping for other people and only wish I had more money to buy everyone the most beautiful gifts.  However, austerity is in place....or so my husband continues to tell me.

This Christmas bear decided to rest smack-bang in the middle of our shopping mall.  He was so sweet, his chest rose up and down with every breath; he was almost real!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Summer nights

Ahhhh the warmth of Summer nights make me feel so light and happy, the days are long and I feel I have all the time in the world.

These poppy flower pods have opened so I need to save the seeds for next season.  My poppies are bright pink so will share my seeds with T's Mum who has a dark purple flower and her sister who has the white single petal.  This is what real gardening is about - sharing seeds and pieces of plants so that your flowers & plants have a special meaning as you walk through the garden admiring the seasonal changes.

T and I are still learning how to look after some of the things that came with the farm - such as the fruit and nut trees.  Netting them has become easier each year and tonight we covered the almond trees before dinner. The first year it took an entire weekend!....with lots of laughing at first, but then the laughter disappeared, naturally, when two people have different ideas on directions but just the one net.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Summer and December arrive at the same time

Finally the warmth has arrived to warm our bodies....
Do I dare unpack my Summer wardrobe? I can only feel Christmassy when the weather is warm so little P and I headed for the beach this morning.

Yes I feel a little Christmassy now, but am still waiting to be convinced.

I think this mother duck is convinced. Off for some Christmas Shopping!